Welcome to my world & true passion...making you look amazing !!!                                               

There is something truly magical about a good haircut.. the way it sits, makes you feel and most importantly the way it grows out. Before even picking up my scissors we discuss your concerns, styling regimen (low maintenance or total diva?) and overall lifestyle. Whether its your first time in my chair or you've been coming to me for years, THE most important thing i can do is listen .. then cut. Having been on the receiving end of some pretty disastrous haircuts myself, i know the value of a stylist that truly hears what the client has to say. You've placed your trust (and hair)  in my hands and i am grateful for that.

Ah, hair colour... the chemistry, alchemy and wonder of it all! What else is there that can so completely  change someone or how we are perceived? We've all heard the stereotypes ...conservative brunette? ...ask Angelina. Ditsy blonde...Charlize Theron anyone? We know the rules...now break them. Be the colour you've always wanted to be ! From the conventional to the extreme, bring me those Pinterest photos and we'll discuss how to get you there while keeping the number one rule intact.. the health of your gorgeous locks!

The photos in this gallery are obviously not professional quality. They are taken in the salon as the work happens...